Friday, January 13, 2012

White folk's thinking...

Its hard to choose one option or the other, when the subject balances on a delicate line between Subjective and Objective violence. Though, with the lynchings that happened in the South, a few may think that it was both Subjective and Objective violence. But if I were to pick one side, only ONE side, I'd say these acts of violence were objective. I say this because of the fact that the Southern society were lynching the blacks for many reasons and formed it into what was an ideology within a culture.

For such violent crimes to be made, there has to be a reason, right? Well, there are murders that are made with little to no reason, however we're talking about communities in the south, or even other white folk from other states, traveling all the way  to a certain town or city, just to watch these violent deaths. A hundred white families from different class societies can't all be Sociopaths, right? There can be many reasons to be told as to why these people do what they did, but in the end it all leads to one concept. That concept was fear.

The whites of the Souths always thought of themselves as the good guys. The blacks were the monsters and always will be. The whites wanted to curb the threat of being out numbered by the colored people and even being dominated by them. After all, these white men would think that it would be the end of the world if a black man had the rights to vote - or even worse - hold a position in office! Then, there was the last excuse. That excuse was the fear of these "Monsters" would go around raping white women.

With this fear growing, many white citizens began to think irrational. Well, it would be irrational thinking in today's point of view (or at least that's my opinion.) So, taking matters into their hands, these so called, "white folk" went about rounding up the blacks and making an example of them. Course, this became some sort of holiday celebration where families had to dress in their Sunday Church's best! After all, if you're going about "Monster Hunting" then you best to look sharp!

With how these races acted between on another, I would think that they were all off their noggin and needed to be set straight in some way or another. With this fear looming over the whites and blacks, it was rather unnatural. Well, it was natural back then, but at the same time, unnatural. There was no need to for violent killings really. Though, if I were to say this during the 19th century, I doubt I'd get reason to seep through the Southern's thick heads. At the same time, if it became like Mitchell and Webb's Nazi's sketch, I would be unsure if the scene would be humorous or not.

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